Important places inside Masjid Nabawi
By Muhammad YaseenPublished On 06 Jan 2023

The feeling of visiting Madina and especially Masjid Nabawi is amazing as it is termed as the most peaceful place on the planet. There are some important places inside Masjid Nabawi which you should visit with the following history in mind on your next trip to Madina.
House of Fatima R.A

On the east of Roda Rasool S.A.W, is the door of the house of Fatima R.A. Fatima R.A is Prophet Muhammad S.A.W’s youngest and dearest daughter. The house of Fatima is considered as an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi as she is the daughter of our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
Roda Rasool S.A.W

Roda Rasool S.A.W is the most important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi . It is the place where the Holy Prophet is buried. This is the very location where he passed away. He got ill and took permission from his other wives to stay at his wife Aisha R.A house. He died at the house of Aisha R.A which was made of unbaked bricks at an area of 4×5 meters.
A gold grill has been placed at its entrance and visitors can only see through viewing holes. The grave of Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A and Hazrat Umar R.A rests with the Holy Prophet’s grave in Roda Rasool S.A.W.

Mehrab e Tahajjud is the sacred location where Prophet Muhammad S.A.W used to offer Tahajjud prayer. It is located behind Hazrat Ali’s R.A Hut and an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi.
In order to locate it, one shall search for an Indeed, it is a sacred and holy place for Muslims. Muslims try to offer the Tahajjud prayer as a symbol of following Sunnah.
Praying spot of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
Every Muslim indeed wishes to pray at the exact location where Prophet Muhammad S.A.W used to pray. The pillar which is in line with Bab-e-Jibraeel within Masjid al Nabawi is the exact spot where Prophet Muhammad S.A.W used to pray and hence it is an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi.
It is the place where Prophet Muhammad S.A.W used to lead the prayer when prayers were offered facing Masjid Al-Aqsa.
Riyadhul Jannah

The garden of Paradise, Riyadhul Jannah is located between the Roda Rasool S.A.W and the Pulpit. In order to distinguish, it has been carpeted in green while the rest of the mosque is carpeted in red. It is a sacred place and the second most important place to visit in Masjid al Nabawi after the Roda Rasool S.A.W.
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said: “Between my house and my pulpit lays a garden from the gardens of Paradise, and my pulpit is upon my fountain (Al-Kauthar)Sahih al-Bukhari 1196

Mehrab is the spot where Prophet Muhammad S.A.W used to pray and lead the prayer in Masjid al Nabawi after the Qibla changed to Masjid al-Haram. There was no Mehrab at that time. It was built by Umar bin Abdul Aziz and the Imam of Masjid al Nabawi still lead the Salah from this place.
It is now known as Mehrab-e-Nabwi. Muslims try to offer Salah at this important place inside the Masjid al Nabawi to follow the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
Mimbar (pulpit)

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W would get exhausted while delivering long sermons and in order to give Himself a feel of relaxation, he would lean against a palm tree there.
On the request of Ansar and approval by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, a Mimbar was made. It an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi as the Friday and Eid sermons are still delivered from the same place.
Ashab us-Suffah platform

The Ashab us Suffah is the title given to those companions of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W who devoted their lives for the sake of Islam. The Ashab us Suffah platform is located at the front of Masjid e Nabawi and one of the important places to visit inside it.
The original location was in the north, it was moved towards the back , yet in same dimensioning in 7 A.H when there was mosque extension.
The House of Abu Bakr R.A.

During Prophet Muhammad S.A.W era, the main door of the house of Abu Bakr was just adjacent to the western wall of Masjid al Nabwi. For the ease of access to the Masjid, another was opened up on the east side.
It was very dear to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W that he ordered not to close the door of the house of Abu Bakr opening into the Masjid. Therefore, the door remains there: yet its location is changed due to extensions and therefore, it is an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi.
Keeping in mind the order of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W Hazrat Umar R.A shifted the door to the wall in the west that was perfectly in line with the original one. Similarly, other extensions did not demolish the door.
House of Abdullah bin Umar

Abdullah Bin Umar R.A was the son of the Umar bin Khattab R.A. After he accepted Islam in his youth, he became vigilant about following the Sunnah. He used to pray where he saw Prophet Muhammad S.A.W praying.
His house was located in the east of Mehrab. The window which is just opposite to Roda Rasool S.A.W is where the house was located and therefore, it is an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi. Its door opened up in the Masjid and Bilal R.A used to give Azan by standing on the pillar of the house.
House of Usman R.A

The third Caliph of Islam, Usman R.A was the son in law of our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. His house can be located outside the Masjid al Nabawi. It is the very house where he R.A was assassinated by two Egyptian rebels and therefore, it is an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi.
The house of Hafsa R.A
Hafsa R.A was the wife of our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and the daughter of Umar R.A . The house of Hafsa used to be in front of what now is Roda Rasool S.A.W.
The red carpet directly in front of Roda Rasool S.A.W is approximately where her house used to be and therefore, it is an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi.
House of Abu Ayyub Ansari R.A

When the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W migrated to Madina , He (PBUH) stayed at Abu Ayyub Ansari’s R.A house for initial few months. His house is now outside the original mosque which is an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi.
The Masjid, originally, was built adjacent to his house. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W stood on the upper floor of the doubled story house and Abu Ayyub and his family would share meals with Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
Garden of Abu Talha R.A
According to Hazrat Anas R.A, Abu Talha R.A possessed the finest gardens in Madina. He had most gardens among the Ansars. His favorite garden was named as “Bir Ha” which was very close to Masjid al Nabawi. What now is the rear of Masjid, is where his garden approximately used to be.
The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W used to visit the garden and drank its water from the well which was sweet and plenty and therefore, it is an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi.
Abu Talha R.A. presented the Garden to Holy Prophet to be used for sake of Islam, yet Prophet Muhammad S.A.W advised it to be distributed among its heirs.
Houses of Sahabah along the Masjid-e-Nabwi Qiblah wall

The houses of some Sahabah were located within Masjid e Nabawi at the time of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. The houses are no more yet there is an approximation that the house of some Sahabah was located along the now Qiblah wall and in the back of Bab-e-Salam. The houses of the following Sahabah were present at this place which is an important place to visit inside Masjid al Nabawi.
- Jafar R.A
- Abbas R.A
- Naufal bin Haris R.A
- Ammar bin Yasir R.A
Some houses and sacred landmarks have now been shifted or are no more, yet they are dear to every Muslim. Do try to discover these important places inside Masjid al Nabawi when you visit there for the next time.